Baba ganoush is a rich, creamy, and smoky eggplant dip that’s a staple in Middle Eastern cuisine. Perfect as a spread, dip, or even a sandwich filling, baba ganoush is beloved for its deep, roasted flavors and its smooth texture. This recipe is simple yet flavorful, showcasing the eggplant in all its glory with the help of a few key ingredients.


Eggplant: the star of this dish but grab other vegetables from your CSA or farmers market for making a sandwich or garnishing your dip. Parsley is simple garnish to start with but dont be afraid to add things like roasted red peppers.
Tahini: creates the creamy flavor of this dish.
Lemon juice, garlic and olive oil
Salt: For seasoning. 

Steps to Culinary Bliss:

Step 1: Roast the Eggplants

Start by firing up your grill or preheating your oven to 400°F. Wrap the eggplants in foil and place them directly on the grill or oven rack. Allow them to roast until they become tender and collapse easily when pressed. This could take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the size of your eggplants.

While the eggplants are roasting, take this opportunity to chop your fresh parsley and juice the lemons. If you have any extra veggies from your CSA box, like bell peppers or zucchini, consider roasting them alongside the eggplants. Roasted red peppers, in particular, make a fantastic garnish for baba ganoush, adding a pop of color and sweetness.

Tip: If you’re using a grill, the direct heat adds an extra layer of smokiness to the eggplant, enhancing the depth of flavor in your baba ganoush.

Step 2: Prepare the Eggplants

Once the eggplants are roasted to perfection, remove them from the heat and let them cool until they’re safe to handle. At this point, the skin should peel off easily, revealing the soft, smoky flesh inside. Discard the skins and any excess liquid that may have seeped out during roasting.

Step 3: Blend the Ingredients

Now, it’s time to bring everything together. In a large bowl or food processor, combine the eggplant pulp with the tahini, lemon juice, garlic, salt, and olive oil. You can either hand mash the mixture for a more rustic texture or blend it until smooth for a creamier consistency. Adjust the seasoning to taste, adding more lemon juice for tang or salt as needed.

Step 4: Garnish and Serve

Transfer your baba ganoush to a serving bowl and drizzle with the reserved olive oil. Sprinkle the chopped parsley on top, and if you roasted additional vegetables, consider garnishing with a few slices of roasted red pepper for an added burst of flavor and color.

Baba ganoush is incredibly versatile. Serve it as a dip with warm pita bread, fresh veggies, or crackers. It also makes an excellent spread for sandwiches or wraps, adding a smoky, creamy element to your meal.
