Small Acres,CSA,Whatcom County
Small Acres,CSA,Whatcom County

Small Acres is a renewable-powered organic family farm serving Whatcom County, Washington. We grow nutrient dense, healthy food while supporting the community and protecting the environment. Enjoy the flavor and freshness of seasonally-grown produce!

Small Acres,CSA,Whatcom County
Small Acres,CSA,Whatcom County
Small Acres,CSA,Whatcom County
Small Acres,CSA,Whatcom County
Small Acres,CSA,Whatcom County
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Get a behind-the-scenes look at life on Small Acres Farm by following us on Instagram. From planting to harvest, community events to farm-fresh recipes, our feed is a window into the daily rhythms and seasonal changes of the farm. Join us as we share the beauty, challenges, and joys of sustainable farming!